Welcome to Part 4 of this series of Breast Enlargement Comparison Methods. If you have missed out on the other 3 parts of this series before, you can check them out here at :

Furthermore, breast pumps often come with extensive operation instructions or guidelines if one wants to be using them for the long run repetitively. Most of the breast pumps currently also require women to wear special bras or have other necessary requirements. When these breast pumps are not used or apply correctly, they might actually even cause irreparable damage. The reason for this is because a a pump would be swelling up the breasts with additional blood flow, where broken vessels, tension, damage and other medical conditions have a chance to occur. What this basically implies is the breast pumps actually come with a lot of health risks just from using it!
On the other hand, breast enlargement creams and bust serum do not really require any sort of intricate operation, the cream is basically just applied to the breast area. Most of the cream-based products are also made completely from natural ingredients and herbs, which means that they are completely safe as they do not contain any sort of hormones, chemicals or preservatives at all.
Getting Results
Breast pumps have been said to be able to provide quite a visible and significant improvement in one’s cup size, but it is actually not really a permanent solution. In some cases, results might even be only seen after 6 months – and this really pose a huge risk to your health as explained before from using these breast pumps repeatedly. Another thing is that breast pumps sometimes cause your skin to stretch, and this can easily distort the natural appearance of your breasts, which is what something most women would not want.
With breast enlargement creams or bust serum instead, ladies have reported seeing results as quick as in just 21 days. This is probably due to the quick absorption of the cream by the skin. Most of these bust serums have also been clinically tested to be safe and proven to work. By using these bust serums, one would be able to achieve the kind of youthful and large breasts they have always dreamed of.
The cost
Even breast pumps might be not as costly as breast surgery, they are often still in the hundreds or thousands of dollars due to the nature of the product (A mechanical device which requires regular maintenance) . Creams and bust serums, on the other hand, are a lot cheaper and do not need to be paid regularly every month as the results from them are most of the time permanent.
It is important for one to be choosing a great breast enlargement product when it comes to getting firmer, larger and perkier breasts. If you are looking for recommendations for a wonderful or great breast enlargement product in the market, we recommend Triactol – currently a market leader in the field of breast enlargement.
Buy Triactol today and achieve the kind of results you have always wanted with your breasts!
so do u tink usin cream or pumps wuld b better for teenagers ?
Hi Paris, Personally I would stay away from both of them if I am still a teenager and opt for natural methods instead. Most of the time natural methods will work very effectively for young teenage girls still undergoing puberty
lol pumps.. for the love of god i dont even know why any girls would consider them.